HELP! Please Read

Our Kickstarter is live but our Steam Page is not! That means we're going to miss out on a TON of Wishlists!

There's a hiccup with Steam that we're sorting out now, but we DESPERATELY want to salvage this situation. 

If you sign up for the newsletter below you will get ONE and ONLY ONE email from us with a link to our Steam page so you can Wishlist Oni Onsen and catch the launch discount.

We won't add you to our monthly newsletter. We won't save your email address for any other reason. We'll just remind you to wishlist Oni Onsen once our Steam page is live.

Around 50% of our wishlists come from our Kickstarters. We're seriously screwed without our Steam page live! Wishlists make or break games. The more you have, the more sales, but also, Steam will promote your game more places on their front page.

PLEASE let us remind you when our Steam page is live so you can wishlist Oni Onsen! You'll catch that sexy launch discount and save money, and we'll have a successful game launch!
